

Glad to see you here! 😀

This is just a glimpse of all the features currently present.

Startup guide!

This is Anonymous Notes page. It is a community to have notes available to everyone! Add, update and try the features. If you want to have your personal notes, click on sign in with Google to have your private notes. These notes are only available to you, no one else can view them without your Google Id.

A window has two panes Preview and Edit which can be navigated by the tab buttons given above. You can view the source of this page by clicking on the Edit Button above. Don't forget to save after doing or making any changes. Press ctrl+s in the Edit tab, to save the changes or click the above cancel or save button.

Features at a glimpse

Dark Mode

click on switch to dark mode to have the new awesome look

Cloud Notes

Note are stored in cloud Add notes and view them from anywhere.

Code Highlighter

This can have the code highlighted and support most of the popular languages.

Select Code Highlights to get more details about it.

Format options

You can create table or lists of data and also have highlighter, bold, italic and various other formatting features.

Click on the sidebar on Format styles to have a glimpse of this.

Code Highlighter

Highlight words by enclosing them within `.

Highlight multi line codes by, enclose the code withing ```

Click on the edit tab to view the source of this file and make changes to see how it will look.


Javascript code

var foo = function (bar) {
                              return bar++;

Tip: View the code in Dark Mode!! 😁

One more example

Bash scripts

                            ###### CONFIG
                            if [ "$UID" -ne 0 ]
                            echo "Superuser rights required"
                            exit 2
                            echo -e "# Host ${HOME_DIR}$1/$2 :"
                            echo '"quoted"' | tr -d \" > text.txt

Main Highlighter and Formatting

For code specific highlight, click on Code Highlight on the side bar.

Examples of markdown text with tags repeated, escaped the second time, to clarify their function:

##### This text is treated as an <h5> because it has five hashes at the beginning

*italics* and _italics_



No indent

>One level of indentation

>>Two levels of indentation

An ordered list:

  1. 1. One
  2. 1. Two
  3. 1. Three

An unordered list:

  • * One
  • * Two
  • * Three

A naked URL: <>

Linked URL: [Colaboratory](

An inline image: ![Google's logo](

Google's logo

View the page source to understand

Bold Italic





Hope you find this use ful.

  • Adieu
  • Good Bye
  • Tata
  • See You!

This app is still under development.

You can also view the Mobile site of this app by clicking on the button Mobile View on the top right corner

Still Under development Search box will not work as it is still under development. If you find any errors, feel free to contact at

That All For Now!